Wednesday, August 12, 2009


It's been pretty quiet this week. Shifter 2 is off to my editor, and since I know I'll be diving in head first to some heavy revisions soon, I figured now was a good time to take a break and let the old brain juice refuel.

This has let me catch up on stuff I've been meaning to do, like finalize everything for my first official contest (check back tomorrow!) and get some business cards and bookmarks done. It's also let me dig into the stack of books that's been growing on my shelf.

I buy a lot of books. Actually, make that A LOT of books. When I hit 20 on my To Read shelf, I stop until I get back to single digits, then go shopping again. There's always something I've been dying to read (Right now it's Sacred Scar by Kathleen Duey, and all the bookstores near me are SOLD OUT!!!) so I can't go into a bookstore without walking out with an armful. Sometimes I jump ahead in the list, but I try really hard to read the next up in the stack.

Currently, it's The Book Thief, which is pretty funky so far. Very interesting writing style and narrator. It's more literary than I usually read, but I like to broaden my scope every now and then.

Chat with ya'll tomorrow about the contest! Hint: Start thinking funny.


  1. Oh, I am so excited about the upcoming contest. The Shifter is up there with Hush Hush on my MUST READ list this fall.

  2. Agreeing with MeganRebekah. In fact, I just WOWed Shifter on my book blog. One of so many books I'm anxious to get my hands on. :)
