Tuesday, September 15, 2009

They're Here! They're Here!

Major excitement day for sure. I just got final books for The Shifter in all their dust-jacketed hardcover glory. Don't they look beautiful?

Although you can't see it in the photo, the dust jackets are a lovely matt finish, with the yellow name spot varnished so it shines. (Can you tell I have a background in printing and graphic design?) The yellow and black on the spine is really eye catching and just jumps right out at you.

Just think...in three more weeks, I'll get to see these guys on actual bookstore shelves instead of the bookshelf in my office.

Color me all kinds of happy.


  1. Wow! They look amazing! You need a countdown clock on your blog, to count down the days until the offical release!

  2. Oh, they look so beautiful! Bet you never thought this day would come. Congratulations!

  3. Many, many congrats! They are fabulous looking. I am so looking forward to being able to read this! I can't wait for your release date.

  4. Aw, thanks all :) It's so much fun to be able to share this experience with everyone.

    MeganRebekah, if I knew how to make one of those countdown thingys I would! Do you happen to know where I can download them?
